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So I am at Uni now, well wasn't it a shock to the system; the lifestyle, the social life and most definitely the training! Adapting has taken some time and that's why posts have been, well non existent! But, after the past two-three weeks I'm finally getting back to the healthy lifestyle - and not just the obligatory takeout pizzas!

I am catered for - which does limit my ability to cook my own food and sometimes it is tempting to choose u healthy options at the cafeteria, but lunch times give that small window of opportunity to express myself! Today by far was my healthiest achievement, after throwing this simple dish together with my not too far away girlfriend!!

Poached egg on a bed of mixed salad sat upon toasted brown wholemeal bread! Very simple and extremely cheap for a university student (plus it tastes good) and can be changed to cater anyone really. I'm sure I'll be making a post, or many, of healthy food ideas and snacks very soon!

Uni can be very persuasive in the food you eat and many, including myself, can get influenced by the less healthy foods!The people surrounding will either help or hinder you, but ultimately it's your life choice and if you really want to be healthy and eat well, then you make it happen. But, if you can conquer this in "freshers" , without doubling in weight, it really does get easier!

Think of uni as a fresh new beginning. Take the opportunity to change and better yourself in whatever aspect you choose! This could be eating right, or training more frequently - it could even be not to sneakily eat that chocolate bar while no one is watching?! Whatever you choose uni is the place to start, and you won't get a better chance or environment to do so!

If you are looking for techniques to staying on track I will post some soon, and if you want more healthy snack tips then make sure to let me know! And, for all those at uni, good luck!

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